Inside Iowa State
Oct. 4, 1996
Professorship funded in Vet Med
by Steve Jones
E. A. Benbrook was a member of the College of Veterinary Medicine faculty for nearly 50 years. Now his name will be connected permanently to the college.The Benbrook Professorship in Veterinary Medicine was established by Stanley C. and Jane Stallings Benbrook, Buchanan Dam, Texas. Stanley and Jane Benbrook are E. A. Benbrook's son and daughter-in-law.
The Benbrooks' estate gift to ISU, valued in excess of $1 million, created the professorship. It will be in either pathology or parasitology, said Richard Ross, dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
"We're enormously grateful for this planned gift that will further strengthen our veterinary pathology department," Ross said. "Stan and Jane Benbrook's generosity is a very fitting tribute to Dr. Benbrook and the Benbrook family."
Professorships help ISU attract and keep top faculty members, Ross added. The gift will provide a source of revenue to supplement college support for the teaching and research activities of the scholar who holds the professorship.
E. A. Benbrook was head of the Iowa State veterinary pathology department from 1919 to 1957 and continued to work on the faculty until his death in 1967.
Stanley Benbrook is a 1949 ISU veterinary medicine graduate who spent most of his career in the Army Veterinary Corps. Jane Benbrook graduated from Iowa State in home economics (now family and consumer sciences) in 1941.
The Benbrooks also are funding scholarships in the colleges of Family and Consumer Sciences and Design and are contributing to the renovation of the Gentle Doctor bas relief at the Veterinary Medicine building. They are providing a piano to the College of Veterinary Medicine to honor Stanley Benbrook's mother, Jessie Benbrook.
The gifts are part of Iowa State's $300 million capital campaign.
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Revised 10/3/96