Inside Iowa State
Sept. 20, 1996
Conference on gambling, family set
by Michelle Johnson
The College of Family and Consumer Sciences will host "Gambling and the Family," a day-long conference on Thursday, Oct. 31, at the Scheman Continuing Education Building.The conference will highlight results from the college's study of the effects of gambling on Iowa families and communities. The study includes the FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Poll, a survey of 600 randomly selected Iowans about their attitudes toward gambling and the family. The poll was conducted by Glenn Roberts, longtime head of The Iowa Poll at the Des Moines Register.
Family and Consumer Sciences faculty will present results from their Iowa-based research on a variety of gambling- related issues during the conference. Topics to be presented include gambling and the elderly, college students and gambling, children and casinos, family finance and gambling, and the effects of gambling on tourism and small businesses.
Representatives from agencies and organizations with an interest in gambling issues -- casino operators, family credit counselors, advocates for the elderly and recovering gambling addicts -- will share their views as members of interaction panels. Panel discussions will follow the research presentations.
"Gambling is a phenomenon that has swept the country in the past decade. But unlike almost any other significant social change, it has arrived with very little public scrutiny beyond economic impact studies," said Beverly Crabtree, FCS dean. "Our goal for the conference is not to take sides on the issue, but to increase the level of public dialogue surrounding it."
The conference is open to the public. Preregistration is required. For additional information on registration, or to receive a brochure, call 4-6222. The deadline for preregistration is Tuesday, Oct. 15. Cost of the conference is $50 if received by Oct. 15, and $75 if received after Oct. 15.
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
Copyright © 1996, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0920/gambling.html
Revised 9/19/96