Inside Iowa State
Sept. 20, 1996
Fall enrollment up nearly 1 percent
Enrollment at Iowa State for the fall semester is up 226 students or nearly 1 percent compared to fall semester 1995. A total of 24,899 students have enrolled for the current semester, compared to 24,673 last year. The increase ends a three-year period of slight enrollment declines at ISU.
"We feel that this semester's strong enrollment signals a turnaround," said Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Thielen. "We are well on our way to achieving our goal of stabilizing our enrollment at approximately 25,000 students."
The 1996 enrollment figure includes 20,503 undergraduate students, 160 more than last year, and 4,396 graduate students, 66 more than last year.
Thielen said that efforts to bolster the number of new incoming students paid off in this semester's enrollment figures.
"One of our focuses was on new students coming to Iowa State right out of high school and we are pleased that we have been successful in this area," Thielen said.
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Revised 9/19/96