Inside Iowa State
Sept. 20, 1996
Breakfast with Jischke
The next Breakfast with President Martin Jischke will begin at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. Breakfast may be purchased in the food court area; coffee and tea are provided. Call 4-2042 to reserve a spot.Minimum wage goes up
Minimum wage, currently $4.65, will go up to $4.75 on Oct 1. The Oct. 31 payroll will be the first to reflect the 10-cent increase. All departments and units that pay minimum wage are reminded that any work done on or after Oct. 1 should reflect the new amount on the Sept. 30 payroll voucher. Another increase, to $5.15, will take effect in September 1997.Student travel funds
Undergraduate students attending regional, national and international conferences may be eligible to receive financial assistance. Award amounts vary, depending on cost of attendance, funds available and number of applications. Funds are awarded on a first-come basis.Applications and guidelines are available from Elizabeth Beck, Honors Program Office, Osborn Cottage, 4-4371, or Rebecca Miller, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, 311 Beardshear, 4-0322.
Take the bus
Iowa State Center has begun a motor coach service, dubbed SEATS, for Des Moines-area residents attending events at the center. The service runs from Valley West Mall in West Des Moines. The first run will be prior to the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra concert Oct. 3. Seats on the bus cost $10 (round-trip) and must be reserved by noon Oct. 1. For more information, call 4-2479.Big Pals needed
The Ames-ISU YMCA is seeking volunteers to be Big Pals. Big Pals must be willing to spend two hours per week with their Little Pals and agree to a one-year commitment. For more information, contact the YMCA, 109 Lab of Mechanics, 4- 2263.Culture Corps grants still available
The Culture Corps Grants Program still is accepting proposals from faculty and staff interested in hiring undergraduate international students to internationalize their classes or programs. The Culture Corps was created to help ISU achieve the internationalization goals of the university's strategic plan.Grant requests may not exceed $1,800 per student for the 1996-97 academic year. Proposals will be reviewed until funds are exhausted. For more information, contact Luiza Dreasher, 4-4198, maria@iastate.edu. Application information also is available at http://www.iastate.edu/~internat_info/Resource/Proposal/calpr o97.html.
25th anniversary
As part of its 25th anniversary membership drive, the Association for Women in Science will have a booth in the Memorial Union from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, Sept. 23-25. T-shirts and buttons will be for sale.Health at high noon
A series of practical lectures on health issues will be held noons in the Memorial Union. The first, "HIV/AIDS: What you Don't Know Can Hurt You," will be presented by Dr. Nathaniel Ratnasamy, McFarland Clinic, on Thursday, Sept. 26, in the Pioneer Room. You may bring your lunch or purchase it at the food court.
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Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0920/announce.html
Revised 9/18/96