Inside Iowa State
Sept. 6, 1996
ISU has a Speakers Bureau
A newly created Speakers Bureau in the Office of University Relations will help connect Iowa State speakers to central Iowa organizations.
"Anyone who needs a speaker can call us," said Glenda McIntire, bureau coordinator. "We anticipate receiving requests from conference organizers, those planning programs for civic and professional organizations, and central Iowa teachers who are planning career days or would like guest speakers to visit their classrooms."
McIntire said the Speakers Bureau has an extensive database of faculty and staff who are willing to share their expertise on such topics as the effects of TV violence, cultivating creativity, career planning, freedom of speech, retirement satisfaction and coping with change.
"We will keep building our roster of speakers and would like to hear from any faculty and staff who are interested in participating in the bureau or who would like to recommend a speaker," she added.
Contact the Speakers Bureau at 4-6136 (McIntire), or 4-5992 (Huang Tan), 217 Communications Building, email: speakers@iastate.edu.
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Revised 9/5/96