Inside Iowa State
Sept. 6, 1996
Cash option ready on ISUCards
by Steve Sullivan
Cash to Card machines that have been installed throughout campus allow faculty, staff and students to "deposit" money on their ISUCards. The machines also will offer a "buy-a- card" service, beginning Oct. 1.Cash to Card machines are located in the Hub, Beardshear Hall, General Services Building, the colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Design, Lied Facility, Lagomarcino Hall, Molecular Biology Building, Memorial Union Food Court, University Book Store, Richardson Court Association Cornerstone, Union Drive Association Depot and the Commons at Maple-Willow-Larch, Wallace-Wilson and Knapp-Storms.
ISUCard holders can deposit up to $50 on the cash stripe (the thin stripe) on the back of their cards. To do this, the ISUCard is inserted in the Cash to Card machine face up, photo end first. The machine's lighted display first will indicate how much money, if any, is on the card. It then will flash "insert," which is the signal to insert money into the deposit slot. The machine takes paper money only.
The Cash to Card machine instantly will record a deposit on the cash stripe and eject the card. The card must be reinserted for each bill deposited.
Most campus vending machines have a slot for purchases made with an ISUCard.
The amount of a purchase is deducted from the balance recorded on the cash stripe. ISUCard's cash stripe also can be used for purchases at the University Book Store and most Memorial Union restaurants.
Money deposited on the ISUCard will be there until it is used. However, there is no security number on the ISUCard, so if a card is lost, any money deposited on it also will be lost.
The Cash to Card machines have a "buy-a-card" button for campus visitors. For $1, visitors are issued a card with no value. (The $1 covers the cost of the card.) Visitors can deposit money on their cards using the same method as the ISUCard holders.
"The buy-a-card feature will be great for people who are going to be on campus for conferences and other special events," said Joan Thompson, treasurer. "Faculty, staff and students also may find them nice for their campus visitors."
For more information on ISUCard services, contact the ISUCard office, 4-2727.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0906/cashTocard.html
Revised 9/5/96