Inside Iowa State
Sept. 6, 1996
Postal changes for non-profit bulk mailers take effect Oct. 6
Sweeping changes introduced by the U.S. Postal Service take effect for non-profit mailers Sunday, Oct. 6. The rules changed for other classes of mail July 1. ISU Printing Services will hold a seminar on the changes from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 23, in the Memorial Union Gallery.The U.S. Postal Service has redefined its mail classes to give price discounts to mailers who prepare their mail using stringent new requirements. Those who don't meet the sorting and documentation requirements could pay the full 32-cent, first-class rates.
The content of the seminar will be same as six seminars sponsored this summer by Printing Services and includes new names for mail classifications, piece vs. presort vs. automation rates, new software sorting and documentation requirements, move-update rules for first-class presort mail, an introduction to design requirements for automation rates and the basics of address list databases.
To register, call 4-3601.
Ballet auditions
Auditions for the Iowa State Center's 16th annual production of The Nutcracker Ballet will be held from noon to 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, at C. Y. Stephens Auditorium. The performances will be Dec. 13-15.Registration begins at 11:15 a.m. Sept. 8. The audition schedule is: noon to 3 p.m., children 8 years and older; 3 to 4 p.m., adults for roles as party guests and maids; 4 to 7 p.m., ballet dancers (male and female, pointe and non- pointe).
Enter Stephens through the Stage Door on the southeast side. For more infor-mation, contact the Dancenter, 233-3609.
Child care center
A groundbreaking ceremony for the new University Child Care Facility will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 16, in "Walnut Woods," adjacent to the Veterinary Medicine complex.The 7,900 square-foot facility will accommodate 84 children ranging in age from infants to school-age. It is scheduled to open in August 1997. Cost of the project will be approximately $1.46 million.
Freshman Honors mentoring program
Undergraduate research mentorships will be offered spring semester for students in the Freshman Honors Program.Students work three or six hours a week and receive one or two academic credits. Faculty and graduate students interested in mentoring Freshman Honors students should contact Andrew Ryder, University Honors Program office, 4- 4371, by Sept. 4. For more information, contact the Honors Office or Edwin Lewis, associate provost, 4-5884.
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Continuous updates on Iowa State news, activities and issues are available on the World Wide Web. Click "Today's News" from the main ISU Web page.
Adult student breakfasts
The Office of Adult Learner and Commuter Student Programs again is sponsoring "Rise & Shine" every Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 10:45 a.m. in the Memorial Union Pine Room (ground level). Adult and commuting students receive a free roll and coffee. A different host each week will provide campus information and answer questions. For information, call 4-2364.
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Revised 9/5/96