Inside Iowa State
Sept. 6, 1996
Seminars for the teacher in you
by Anne Dolan
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) will sponsor two half-day seminars for faculty Friday, Oct. 4. Graduate assistants also are encouraged to attend.Peter Seldin, distinguished professor of management at Pace University, New York City, will lead both seminars. The morning session (9 to 11:30 a.m.) will look at "Student and Peer Assessment of Teaching: New Lessons Learned." Seldin will review research on the reliability of evaluation methods and offer practical, hands-on information faculty can use in their own departments.
The afternoon program (1 to 3 p.m.) will focus on the "Successful Use of Teaching Portfolios." Seldin will offer suggestions for planning and creating a teaching portfolio that highlights the key elements of a faculty member's career.
Seldin wrote The Teaching Portfolio, one of the most popular books in the teaching center's library, and How Administrators Can Improve Teaching. Seldin has written other books on faculty evaluation, faculty and administrator performance, and coping with faculty stress. He has designed and conducted seminars throughout the United States and in more than 20 other countries.
Seldin received the B.A. (1963) in psychology from Hobart & William Smith Colleges, Geneva, N.Y.; MBA (1966) in management from Long Island University, and Ph.D. (1974) in education from Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. He completed his postdoctoral work in evaluation and development in 1976 at the University of London.
Both seminars will be held in the Memorial Union Sun Room. No registration is required. All faculty members will receive a schedule of the day's activities later this month from the Center for Teaching Excellence.
For more information, contact Jane Henning, phone 4-2906, e- mail: njhenni@iastate.edu.
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Revised 9/5/96