Inside Iowa State
Sept. 6, 1996
Athletic department certified by NCAA, with conditions
Iowa State's intercollegiate athletic program was certified with conditions Aug. 22 by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Committee on Athletics Certification. ISU must develop a comprehensive plan for addressing minority opportunities in its athletic department by June 30, 1997, to receive full certification.
"We are pleased that we were certified and we are now in the process of reviewing the concerns of the certification committee," said athletic director Gene Smith. "The Iowa State certification committee examined a wide variety of issues and found that we had properly addressed areas like gender equity, rules compliance and financial issues.
"While we had hoped that we would receive full certification, we are confident that we will be able to address those concerns and achieve full certification well before the mandatory deadline."
Smith added that ISU is committed to providing opportunities for minorities in the athletic department. "We will underscore that commitment in our report to the certification committee."
The NCAA approved in 1993 a process to certify all Division I athletic programs to ensure that they are operated with integrity. Certification is based on meeting strict standards in governance and commitment to rules, academic and fiscal integrity, minority opportunities and gender equity.
Last year, about 100 faculty, staff, students and community leaders participated in a comprehensive study of ISU's athletic department, a key part of the certification process.
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Revised 9/5/96