Inside Iowa State
Sept. 6, 1996
LAS College makes chautauqua an annual event
by Steve Sullivan
Lectures on politics, culture and science will highlight the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences' Chautauqua '96 from Tuesday to Thursday, Sept. 17-19. All events are open to the public and free, with the exception of optional meal costs."Last year's 'Voices of Influence' chautauqua to dedicate Carrie Chapman Catt Hall was such a wonderful experience that we wanted to do something similar on an annual basis," said Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Elizabeth Hoffman. "Chautauqua '96 will be an event for the campus and Ames communities and will highlight the expertise we have in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences."
Among the topics to be examined during Chautauqua '96 are the presidential election, the age of the universe, Iowa history and religion in various cultures.
In addition to lectures by Iowa State faculty, Des Moines Register columnist Chuck Offenburger and his wife Carla will speak on Iowa's sesquicentennial on Wednesday, Sept. 18. The Iowa Sesquicentennial Quilt will be on display in 302 Catt Hall throughout the event.
Chautauqua '96 concludes Thursday, Sept. 19, with closing ceremony performances, including a carillon concert, tour of Catt Hall and a box supper and ice cream social. Tickets for the box supper are $7 and must be ordered by Tuesday, Sept. 16. To order tickets, call 4-3607.
The complete schedule of Chautauqua '96 events is listed on page 8.
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Revised 9/5/96