Inside Iowa State
August 23, 1996
State finds more funds for salaries
by Anne Dolan
Recently appropriated state funds will add about 0.4 percent to the pay hike average for ISU faculty and professional & scientific employees. Earlier this week, the state's Executive Council unanimously approved a state insurance committee proposal to use money from an insurance surplus fund for salary increases for state employees.The amount available to Iowa State is approximately $700,000 and will be coming to Iowa State "very soon," said President Martin Jischke. ISU officials are working out a policy for distribution of the dollars, he said.
The additional funds will bring the average salary increase for faculty and P&S staff this fiscal year to 3.3 percent, with the total compensation increase (including benefits) averaging 3.6 percent.
The difference between recommended salary increases and state dollars allocated to ISU last month for salary increases is $1.7 million. The extra $700,000 still leaves a shortfall of $1 million.
Carol Bradley, director of governmental relations, said she is confident the Executive Council will find other sources in the next nine months to completely cover the salary shortfall.
In recent weeks, some state legislators, including Sen. Johnnie Hammond and Rep. Cecelia Burnett of Ames, voiced concern about the state's failure to fully fund annual salary increases to state employees, including employees at regents institutions.
August payroll
August paychecks for faculty and P&S staff will not reflect the new funds. However, P&S staff and faculty August paychecks will be higher because they reflect two months of their salary increases as initially awarded for FY97. Salary increases were not finalized in time to be applied to the July payroll, so the August payroll includes July and August increases.
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Revised 8/22/96