Inside Iowa State
August 23, 1996
Road construction still under way
by Anne Dolan
Several university and city of Ames projects, scheduled for completion this summer, may slow or divert traffic during the first weeks of fall semester. Here's an update to help you get around.Parking lots
Lot 50. The west half of Lot 50 (south of East Hall) has been repaved and marked to make more efficient use of the space. Similar work is under way on the east half of the lot and scheduled for completion by Friday, Aug. 30. Until that time, any vehicle with a reserved permit may park in the west half of Lot 50. Vehicles with a general staff permit may park in Lot 100 (south side of Lied Center) at no charge.
Lot 40. Construction projects began Aug. 19 on the Seed Science Building and Kildee Hall. As a result, approximately 50 reserved spots have been lost in Lot 40 (west of Seed Science). The affected permit holders have been relocated to nearby lots.
Campus roads
Bissell Road near Beyer Hall. The inner two lanes of Bissell Road opened Aug. 19. The outer two lanes will remain closed for construction uses through September. Access to the Pearson loading dock has been restored. Paving of the area between Black Engineering, Exhibit Hall and ERI began Monday and is scheduled to be completed by mid-September.
Wallace Road at College Creek. An electrical vault and conduit were rebuilt. One lane in each direction is open now, with all four lanes of traffic expected to be open late Friday afternoon, Aug. 23.
City of Ames
Lincoln Way, along south edge of campus. A multi- month project will add a sanitary sewer line from Beach Avenue to Hayward Avenue. The city has added a second shift to get the project completed, but work is expected to continue through November. One- to 2-block stretches of the west-bound right lane of Lincoln Way will be closed as the project moves west toward Hayward.
Hyland Avenue, between Oakland and Ontario streets. Sanitary and storm sewers currently are being replaced. The utility work is scheduled to wrap up in early September. Local access will be available throughout the utility work. Hyland from Pammel Drive to Ontario Street will be paved later this fall.
Grand Avenue railroad underpass at Lincoln Way. Grand was scheduled to open Wednesday or Thursday (Aug. 21-22), after being closed all summer.
Lincoln Way, at the intersection with Clark/Walnut avenues. The city is realigning this corner so South Walnut and Clark meet squarely at Lincoln Way. Work began Aug. 19, with only South Walnut closed for approximately half a block. Traffic on Lincoln Way and Clark Avenue remains open.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0823/roads.html
Revised 8/22/96