Inside Iowa State
August 23, 1996
P&S Council seeks proposals
by Anne Dolan
The Professional and Scientific Council is accepting proposals for the third year of a program aimed at improving the student experience at Iowa State. A special allocation from President Martin Jischke funds the program intended to involve P&S staff in the university's student recruitment and retention effort. The allocation was increased to $25,000 this year.Proposals are due to Katy Rice, chair of the program's ad hoc committee, 104 Marston, by noon Monday, Sept. 23. Awards will be announced by Friday, Oct. 4.
All P&S employees and their departments or units are eligible to submit proposals. Priority will be given to proposals involving more than one employee. Inter- departmental proposals and proposals including cost-sharing or matching funds also are encouraged.
In the first two years of the program, projects that received funding include mentoring projects for at-risk students, student "shadowing" days and campus visits for high school students, software purchases for classroom or academic advising purposes, and customer-focused training videos.
All funds awarded in October must be spent by June 30, 1997.
Guidelines for writing and submitting a proposal are available on the P&S Council's WWW page at this address: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ps_info/.
Information also is available from Rice, 4-5935 (e- mail:krice@iastate.edu).
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Revised 8/22/96