Inside Iowa State
August 23, 1996
Lively season for music department
by Jennifer Holland, News Service Intern
Fall is filled with the sounds of music --from wind to brass, ensembles to solos and live performances. All are part of the music department's classical music series for the coming season.The season begins Sunday, Sept. 8, with George Work, professor of music, performing on the cello accompanied by pianist and professor of music Helen Marlais.
Carl Staplin from the Organists of Iowa will join the ISU Chamber Singers Sept. 27 to perform the first of a series of special guest concerts.
The popular 30-minute Monday Organ Recital series will resume at 5:30 p.m. each week during the academic year. Daily carillon recitals are scheduled at noon and before several concerts.
The Oct-Ob-Boon Festival welcomes oboe and bassoon players from the community. Sponsored by Kevin Schilling, professor of music, the festival will include a quartet performed on all four of the state's contrabassoons and a mass double reed band.
October also is time for the annual C. Buell Lipa Festival of Contemporary Music. The festival, Oct. 23-26, will feature several guest performers from around the United States and ISU performers in a program that features jazz, classical and computer-composed music, said Craig Weston, professor of music.
The spirit of ISU's marching band will be captured indoors at the Cyclone Band Extravaganza in C.Y. Stephens Auditorium Nov. 10.
Other music department events at Stephens include a joint performance of the Iowa State Singers and the world-famous Canadian Brass on Dec. 6 and a Holiday Festival with the ISU Orchestra, Ames Children's Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Choir and the University Chorus on Dec. 8.
The music department also offers recital series, featuring faculty and students. Admission is usually free for concerts held in the Recital Hall, Music Building. For more information, call Tammy Krock, 4-3831.
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Revised 8/22/96