Inside Iowa State
August 23, 1996
Inside deadine Aug. 30
Due to the Labor Day holiday on Sept. 2, all submissions for the Sept. 6 Inside Iowa State will be due by 5 p.m. Aug. 30.Honors research assistantships
Undergraduate research assistantships for students in the Freshman Honors Program will be offered spring semester 1997. Faculty and graduate students engaged in research and interested in providing opportunities for Freshman Honors student assistants should contact Andrew Ryder, University Honors Office, 4-4371, by Sept. 4. For more information about the assistantships, contact Edwin Lewis, associate provost, 4-5884.Faculty exchanges
Applications for exchanges with foreign universities that have formal agreements with ISU are due in departmental offices Sept. 12; college offices Oct. 3; and the Study Abroad Center Nov. 1. Applications are available in the Study Abroad Center, 5 Hamilton. For more information, contact Trevor Nelson, 4-6792.Jischke on Talk of Iowa
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Wednesday, Sept. 4, edition of Talk of Iowa, at 10 a.m. on WOI-AM Radio.P&S tailgate
The P&S Council will hold a tailgate party for all P&S employees and their guests before the first home football game Saturday, Sept. 7, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on the east side of the Olsen building, north of the stadium. The cost is $5/person and pre-registration is requested.Tickets for the game are available at a reduced price of $16 each. Checks should be payable to Iowa State University (not the P&S Council as indicated in the red flier). RSVP by Aug. 23 to: P&S Tailgater, 103 Lab of Mechanics. For more information, call Darlene Gluck, 4-8598, or Stephenie Elliott, 4-8857.
League seeks bowlers
The ISU Faculty Bowling League, open to faculty and P&S members, will bowl Mondays, starting at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 9. Both new teams and individuals are welcome. Interested persons should contact Brad Binder, 4-6948; Fred Wright, 4- 8155; or Frank Amos, 4-3232.Auditions for children's choirs
Auditions for the Ames Children's Choirs 1996-97 season will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Aug. 27-28. The program is offered in association with the music department. A tuition fee covers costs of instruction, music and administration. For information or to set an audition time, contact conductor Sylvia Munsen, music, 4-8017.Student Activities Center holds open house
An open house in the new offices of the Student Activities Center, Adult Learner and Commuter Student Programs and Campus Organizations Accounting will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4.The units have moved to B6 Memorial Union, in the basement near the copy center. Refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Ellen Fairchild, 4-2364.
Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0823/announce.html
Revised 8/22/96