Inside Iowa State
July 26, 1996
Getting to know you
This fall, three faculty members at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, will move into Avery House, a new experiment to bring people together.The on-campus house is designed as a place where undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and visitors live, eat and meet under one roof. Families are included in the living arrangements, which are expected to last about one year.
The first group of faculty to participate in the project say they hope to start some evening classes and readings at the house.
No diversity requirement
The president of Texas A&M University vetoed the Faculty Senate's proposal to add required courses in U.S. and international cultures to the university's core curriculum. The president expressed concern about a lack of "administrative controls that would monitor the plan's implementation," and concern that the provost or another academic officer might have to play "curriculum controller" in the future to prevent the proposal from evolving into something else.Time for parenting
The faculty senate at the University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, approved a policy that would revise the university's tenure policy to grant faculty members in the tenure probationary period an automatic rollback of one year, upon request, for the birth of an infant or adoption of a child under 6. The campus already has a policy that grants the rollback for extraordinary circumstances.
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Revised 7/25/96