Inside Iowa State
July 26, 1996
Awards of merit
Awards of Merit were presented to College of Agriculture faculty by the Iowa chapter of the Honor Society of Agriculture known as Gamma Sigma Delta.Richard Carter, head of the department of agricultural education and studies since 1993 and a department member since 1971, received the Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award.
Robert Summerfelt, professor of animal ecology, received the Research Award; Robert Martin, professor of agricultural education and studies, received the Teaching Award; and Garren Benson, professor of agronomy, received the Extension Award.
Harley Moon, named this spring to the F. K. Ramsey Endowed Chair in the College of Veterinary Medicine, was one of three recipients of an Alumni Award.
Teaching excellence
Ken Jollss, professor of chemical engineering, received two national awards for teaching and computer-assisted instruction. The Chemical Manufacturers Association gave him the Catalyst Award, which recognizes excellence in teaching, dedication to instruction, motivation of students and contribution on a national level to enhance chemical education.The Computer Aids in Chemical Engineering group of the American Society for Engineering Education gave Jolls the Excellence in Computing Award for his teaching and research on developing computer-visualization materials to teach aspects of chemical engineering, including thermodynamics and mass-transfer operations.
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Revised 7/31/96