Inside Iowa State
July 26, 1996
Houghton is parking program coordinator
Doug Houghton, former assistant dean of student affairs, has joined Public Safety as the program coordinator in parking. In his new position, Houghton manages the parking appeals area, works with the Transportation Advisory Council and the various employee groups, and is involved in capital projects planning.Mayhayni appointed CRP chair
Riad G. Mahayni was appointed chair of the department of community and regional planning in the College of Design on July 1. Mahayni came to Iowa State in 1979 as a professor of community and regional planning and as the founding chair of the department.Jischke on radio
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Wednesday, Aug. 21, edition of Talk of Iowa. The program airs at 10 a.m. on WOI-AM Radio, at 640 on the dial.Summer tuition reimbursement
To receive reimbursement for summer semester 1996 classes, P&S and merit employees must have two photocopies of grade slips (and proof of payment for off-campus classes) in the Office of Human Resource Services, 318 Beardshear, by 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 2. Merit employees should direct questions to Janet Ostenson, 4-6457. P&S employees should direct questions to Kristi Busch, 4-6458.First-day ticket sales
The Iowa State Center has revised its policy for first-day concert ticket sales, effective Aug. 1. On the first of sales only, tickets purchased at the box office in C.Y. Stephens Auditorium must be paid in cash or check. Credit cards can be used only for phone orders on the first day of sales. After the first day of ticket sales, the Iowa State Center box office will accept all methods of payment.The change is intended to help people move through the line more quickly by eliminating the wait for credit card validation. Questions about the new policy should be directed to Patti Cotter, 4-3347.
Outreach center ribbon cutting
A ribbon cutting for the Iowa State University Extension Outreach Center in Sioux City will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, July 31. President Martin Jischke will give a brief presentation. The center is in Building B on Western Iowa Tech Community College's main campus.Alumni Association completes campaign
The ISU Alumni Association has completed its $4 million endowment campaign. One of the first such campaigns launched by an alumni association in the country, the ISU fund-raising efforts netted slightly more than $4 million in deferred gifts. Donors contributing leadership gifts included Robert and Barbara Eddy and Terry and Kim Rich, all of Des Moines.Money raised will continue to support such association programs and services as VISIONS magazine, the Student Alumni Association, Alumni Ambassadors, alumni clubs and reunions.
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Revised 7/25/96