Inside Iowa State
July 26, 1996
Regents sign five-year contract with Jischke
President Martin Jischke signed a five-year contract with the State Board of Regents last week. The agreement recognizes Jischke's five years of "outstanding service" to Iowa State and stems from a desire by both the regents and Jischke to "continue the excellent relationship."
According to the terms of the agreement, Jischke will receive an annual salary of at least $198,000. Salary increases will be made annually at the board's discretion.
When Jischke steps down as president, he will be given the title of President Emeritus for as long as he remains employed at Iowa State. In addition, he will have the time to become reoriented to his discipline, with full pay, in preparation for his return to faculty status.
If Jischke no longer is serving as president but remains employed by Iowa State, his salary until his retirement will be at least 75 percent of his salary in his final year as president.
Jischke said he asked for the agreement because he and his family are happy at Iowa State. He said he appreciates the support of the regents in their willingness to extend this contract to him.
"I feel very good about the progress we have made at Iowa State during the past five years, and that certainly is a credit to our faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends," Jischke said. "I'm pleased that the board of regents agrees and has given me this vote of confidence.
"I hope it also sends the message that I plan to stay at Iowa State, to continue the progress we have made," Jischke said.
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Revised 7/26/96