Inside Iowa State
July 26, 1996
ISU to invest $10 million in strategic plan this year
by Anne Dolan
Iowa State will invest nearly $10 million this year in the six goals of its five-year strategic plan, according to a final operating budget approved by the State Board of Regents last week.The other key component in the budget for the fiscal year that began July 1 is an $8.6 million state appropriation for increases in salaries and benefits for university employees. The salary appropriation includes $1.7 million in a supplemental appropriation/health insurance rebate the university could receive later in the year if health care cost savings estimated by the State Department of Management are realized. Initially, salary and benefits increases will be calculated excluding that $1.7 million.
The $10 million for strategic plan initiatives includes $2.1 million in new, non-salary appropriations from the state, $1.6 million in university revenues from other sources and $6.3 million in internally reallocated funds.
Based on funding recommendations made by Gov. Terry Branstad and the Legislature earlier this year, the new, non-salary state dollars will be used for:
Specific initiatives to improve undergraduate education ($350,000)
Library acquisitions ($437,501)
Continued support of the College of Veterinary Medicine's "Healthy Livestock for Iowa" initiative ($700,000)
Support for the recently formed Iowa Pork Industry Center and the proposed Beef Cattle Industry Center ($100,000 each). Since May, when the regents reviewed a preliminary budget, a one-time sum of $400,000 has been added to the state appropriation for Iowa State's initiatives in the area of odor control in animal feeding operations.
The allocation from the state available at this time for salary and benefits increases is nearly $6.9 million. Combined with almost $300,000 in reallocated funds, a total of $7.2 million will be used to award salary and benefits increases.
Merit employees received a 2.5 percent salary increase on July 1. Merit employees who are eligible also will receive step increases and bonuses during the year. Due to the reduced allocation, the university's goal for the average salary increase for professional and scientific staff and faculty is 2.9 percent, with the total compensation increase (including benefits) averaging 3.2 percent. Increases, retroactive to July 1, will first appear in the August payroll.
As was announced earlier this summer, promotion increments for faculty in FY97 have increased to $2,200 for professor (from $2,000), $1,875 for associate professor (from $1,700), and $1,550 for assistant professor (from $1,400).
Strategic plan initiatives
Goal FY97 investment1. Strengthen undergraduate education $5,058,605
2. Strengthen graduate/professional $2,025,400
education and research3. Strengthen outreach efforts $1,548,567
4. Sustain a stimulating and supportive $539,577
university community5. Establish international leadership in the use $346,300
of technology and computation services6. Strengthen initiatives that stimulate $453,079
economic development
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Revised 7/25/96