Inside Iowa State
July 26, 1996
ETRC to bear Howes' name
by Jennifer Holland
News Service intern
The first building in the proposed Engineering Teaching and Research Complex will be named Stanley and Helen Howe Hall, in honor of the couple who made a large financial gift for the facility.The State Board of Regents approved Iowa State's request to name the building for the Howes at its July 18 meeting.
In June, Stanley M. and Helen H. Jensen Howe, Muscatine, gave $6 million for the new engineering facility. An additional $1 million for equipment from HON Industries, a fortune 1000 company, also has been donated to the facility.
Stanley Howe is a 1946 ISU engineering graduate. For nearly five decades, he led HON Industries, a manufacturer of metal and wood office furniture.
Helen Jensen Howe attended ISU and earned a B.A. in business administration from Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant, in 1981.
The $61 million ETRC will be financed by a mix of federal, state and private funds.
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Revised 7/25/96