Inside Iowa State
July 5, 1996
P&S Council: Outgoing president Gluck reflects on past year
by Anne Dolan
The Professional and Scientific Council marked a year of incremental accomplishments, according to Darlene Gluck, P&S Council president who completed her year in office last month."There wasn't one big issue we dealt with this year, but rather a lot of small things we hope will have a long-term impact," said Gluck, who is the manager of facility safety and engineering for the Institute for Physical Research and Technology.
Some of those "quiet" projects included a professional development booklet that lists grants and awards available to P&S employees, a P&S homepage on the World Wide Web, a revised purpose statement for the council that puts the emphasis on constituents, inclusion of P&S staff in the April Road Scholars tours and greater involvement with the State Board of Regents.
"It's a subtle thing to try to measure, but I think the regents gained some respect for P&S-related issues. I think more contact with the regents can only be good for this institution down the road," she said.
The second successful year of student recruitment and retention projects spearheaded by P&S staff was another highlight, Gluck said. Fifteen of 27 proposals submitted last December received full or partial funding. President Martin Jischke has allocated $20,000 to fund the program for a third year. The application process is expected to begin early this fall.
Gluck said she also is pleased with the high P&S involvement in planning and leading the Succeeding With Students sessions held last fall.
The council spent numerous hours discussing several policy issues, some of which are yet to be resolved by university administrators or the board of regents. The council has recommended that:
Supervisors be required to discuss salary adjustments with employees.
The former early retirement policy be revised.
The policy on dismissal due to reorganization or financial conditions be revised.
A bachelor's degree not be required for all open P&S positions. "The degree requirement debate in council was important because it helped us look at what's really important -- what it takes to be good at a position, to get away from artificial screenings," Gluck said. "I think the administration better understands how staff feels about that now.
"If degrees are to be required, we need to provide employees with more support and opportunities to get their degrees," she added. "This will be an issue for council next year, too."
Jim Meek, a special projects manager in Cooperative Extension, will serve as president of the council for the 1996-97 year.
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