Inside Iowa State
July 5, 1996
Outstanding hall coordinator
Mary Korte, residence hall coordinator in the Maple- Willow-Larch residence complex, received the Outstanding Coordinator Award, Mid-American Region, from the Association of Fraternity Advisors. The award recognizes high professional standards and achievements in student affairs or student life.Top student alumni group
Iowa State was chosen the Outstanding Student Alumni Association/Student Foundation (SAA/SF) District VI organization this year. ISU is one of 36 institutions with SAA/SF programs in District VI of the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).NCA project committee
Elizabeth Stanley, director of institutional research, is serving on a 10-member committee studying organizational effectiveness and future direction for the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The committee's work is expected to be a two-year project.Guest conductor
Kirk Smith, associate professor of music and director of orchestral activities, debuted as guest conductor with the Dayton (Ohio) Philharmonic Orchestra in early April in Dayton. This season, Smith conducted symphony orchestras in Wyoming, Colorado, California, Georgia and Massachusetts.Merit award
Iowa State University received a certificate of exceptional merit from the Ames Historic Preservation Commission for efforts to restore the exterior of Carrie Chapman Catt Hall. The award recognizes superior work that is historically and architecturally appropriate for exterior restoration.Vet Med college awards
Faculty and staff in the College of Veterinary Medicine recently received awards for their service to the university. David Merkley, professor of veterinary clinical sciences, received the Carl J. Norden Distinguished Teacher Award, which recognizes outstanding teachers who contribute significantly to the advancement of the veterinary medicine profession. Charles Thoen, professor of microbiology, immunology and preventive medicine, received the William O. Reece Award in recognition of outstanding academic advising in the college. Andrea Bashara, student services specialist, received the Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association (SCAVMA) Outstanding Service Award for her efforts to support student learning or the college experience. Joanne Graham, assistant professor of veterinary clinical science, and Ronald Griffith, associate professor of microbiology, immunology and preventive medicine, received SCAVMA Teaching Awards for excellence in teaching.CASE National
The Carrie Chapman Catt Hall dedication/19th Amendment Anniversary Celebration in October 1995 received a silver medal award in the special events category of the 1996 Circle of Excellence national competition sponsored by CASE. In this category, 66 entries were submitted; three gold medals, three silver medals and one bronze medal were awarded.Economic development award
Robert Harris, director of contract research for the Center for Advanced Technology Development (CATD), received a Tibbetts Award from the Small Business Administration. Under his leadership, in 1995 CATD upgraded its Small Business Innovation Research program to provide a more focused assistance package to small businesses.Health award
Robert K. Patterson, director of the Student Health Center, received the Ollie B. Moten Award from the American College Health Association (ACHA). The award recognizes ACHA members who have made a significant impact on the school where they work.
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Revised 7/5/96