Inside Iowa State
July 5, 1996
EAP: Civility belongs in the office
There have been various reports in the media recently about a lack of civility in today's society. That occasionally has carried over to the ISU work environment. Employees have complained of actions that run from starting the day with a request or demand rather than a friendly greeting to gossiping and temperamental behavior.
Following are a few tips to help keep common courtesy in the office:
Offer a smile and "hello" to co-workers.
Say "please" and "thank you."
Interrupt only with permission (for example, ask if you may enter an office; leave a note in front of someone who is on a telephone asking him/her to call).
If a co-worker approaches your desk and you are engrossed in your work or on the telephone, quickly nod hello, and either direct him/her to take a seat or say when you will get back to him/her.
Identify yourself when you answer the telephone.
Speak in modulated tones and eliminate obscene or sexist language.
Ask permission to use spaces and items that are not yours.
Clean up after yourself.
Demonstrate courtesy and respect. Submitted by: Charlene Gooch
(For sources for this article, call 4-5069)
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Revised 7/5/96