Inside Iowa State
July 5, 1996
Breakfast with Jischke
The next Breakfast with the President begins at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 16, in the Memorial Union Regency Room. Breakfast may be purchased in the Food Court; coffee and tea are provided by the President's Office. For reservations, call 4-2042.Ambassadors needed
The Office of Adult Learner and Commuter Student Programs is seeking two adult students to fill Adult Ambassador positions. Through individual and group support, adult ambassadors help ease the transition of new adult students to Iowa State. Stipend is $1,500. For more information, contact the Office of Adult Learner and Commuter Student Programs, B6 Memorial Union, 4-2364. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, July 12.Iowa Girls conference
Career conferences for Iowa junior and senior high school girls will be held fall and spring semester at Iowa State. "Taking the Road Less Traveled" will provide girls an opportunity to explore nontraditional careers for women in math, science, engineering and technology. Conferences will be held Oct. 15 for grades 9-12 and Oct. 24 for grades 6-9. Next year, conferences will be held March 29 for grades 6-9 and April 17 for grades 9-12. Registration information will be sent to Iowa schools in August for the fall conferences and in January 1997 for the spring conferences (no early registrations). To be included in the mailing list, write to Linda L. Dutton, Program for Women in Science and Engineering, 104 Lab of Mechanics. For questions about the conference, call 4-5319.Tuition grants
Merit tuition grant applications for eligible merit employees (E and H base) for fall semester are due by 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, in the Office of Human Resource Services, 318 Beardshear. Applications and eligibility information are available in Human Resource Services or by calling Janet Ostenson, 4-6457.
P&S tuition grant applications for fall semester are due by 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, in the Office of Human Resource Services, 318 Beardshear. Late applications will not be accepted. Applications and eligibility information are available in Human Resource Services or by calling Kristi Busch, 4-6458.
Forms for both P&S and merit tuition grants may be obtained on the World Wide Web at this address: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/p&s/forms/forms.html.
Show of unity
People representing an array of faith communities will hold two gatherings as a show of unity against the burning of black churches. Both gatherings will take place Wednesday, July 10. The first will be at noon at the campanile on central campus.
The second will be at 6:30 p.m. at Bandshell Park in downtown Ames. Each will feature brief statements from clergy or lay persons from diverse faiths -- Bahai, Muslim, Buddist, Hindu, Jewish and Christian. There will be music, a feature speaker and silent meditation. For more information, contact Judy Dolphin, YWCA, 14 Alumni, 4-1663.Big 12 alumni staff meet
The Alumni Association hosted more than 50 professionals in Ames June 23-25 for the annual Big 12 Conference Alumni Staff Meeting. Each institution -- including, for the first time, the four Texas universities that joined the Big Eight this summer -- was represented at the three-day event. The new members of the conference are Baylor, Texas, Texas A&M and Texas Tech. The 12 institutions provide services to more than 1 million alumni.
Catt Center workshop
The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics will sponsor its fourth annual summer workshop for high school students July 24-27.This year's workshop theme is "Making A Difference: Focus on Tomorrow's Leaders." The conference will feature a campaign school led by Democratic and Republican party officials; an examination of the campaign process with political candidates and members of their staffs; a media panel that will examine how the media portray female candidates; and sessions on political advertising, election forecasting and campaigning in cyberspace.
For more information, contact the Catt Center, 4-3181.
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Revised 7/5/96