Inside Iowa State
June 14, 1996
Benefits Office: Premiums going up for merit staff benefits options
Rates for the State of Iowa Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans and HMOs (available to ISU merit employees) will increase between 5.5 and 13.9 percent, effective with the July 31 payroll for August coverage. The university will continue to pay the full share of a single plan and a double spouse family plan for all except Blue Cross/Blue Shield Program 1.
Increases in employee's share of family plan:All merit employees will receive a memo and rate chart on these changes.Plan FY97 current
Program 2 $171.32 $152.64
Program 3 $121.78 $107.82
Select 2000 $101.94 $ 81.52
Delta Dental $ 21.90 $ 20.48
The open change period for merit employees began June 7 and concludes July 8. During this period, employees may change from:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Program 1 to Program 2
Program 1 or 2 to Program 3 or Select 2000
Program 3 to Select 2000
Any of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans to an HMO
One HMO to another
An HMO to Program 3 or Select 2000. Employees may change from a single plan to a family plan at any time during the year with an approved statement of health questionnaire.
The June 7-July 8 window also is the annual opportunity to enroll in the Flex 1 program. Flex 1 allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay the employee share of medical, dental and life insurance premiums. Deductions for premiums are not subject to federal or state income tax, or Social Security tax.
The final 1995-1996 incentive payments will be made in the June 28 paycheck. All employees enrolled in a Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan have received a monthly incentive payment of $13 or $6.50 during the year. In addition, employees who changed from Program 1 or Program 2 to Program 3 or Select 2000 have received a monthly incentive payment of $25 (single plan) or $50 (family plan). Incentive payments will not be available in FY97.
Submitted by: Jan Flick
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0614/benefits.html
Revised 6/13/96