Inside Iowa State
June 14, 1996
The purchasing department is distributing new ISU Travel Cards that list phone numbers for hotel and car rental agreements. Two of the car rental agreements, Alamo and National, have rates that include full collision damage waiver insurance. The card also includes Travel & Transport's business and 24-hour emergency telephone numbers. Card requests should be made to Cathy Beckman, purchasing department, 4-9394; fax 4-9606; e-mail: csbeckm@iastate.edu. Indicate how many cards you need for your department.FRATERNITY RAISES $22,000 FOR BOYS, GIRLS CLUB
Sigma Phi Epsilon's "Kiss the Car" event during Veishea raised $22,000 toward a new facility for the Boys and Girls Club of Ames. George White Chevrolet/Pontiac donated a Chevy S-10 truck to the fund-raiser. Other businesses provided thousands of dollars in sponsorships and services.LUNCH WITH THE PRESIDENT
Faculty and staff are invited to join President Martin Jischke for a brown bag lunch Tuesday, June 18, in 3140 Agronomy. The lunch begins at noon. Coffee and tea are provided; bring your own lunch. For reservations, call 4- 2042.FOREIGN TRAVEL GRANTS
Faculty requesting foreign travel grants should check with deans offices for college deadlines. Colleges' deadline for submitting faculty applications for travel between Aug. 16, 1996, and May 15, 1997, is Oct. 4. Applications should be submitted no more than two semesters before travel is planned.HRS OPEN HOUSE
The Human Resource Services staff will host an open house at 3 p.m. Friday, June 28. Refreshments will be served in both 16 and 318 Beardshear. Come meet Carla Espinoza,the new assistant vice president for Human Resource Services. For information, call 4-9350.POLICY ON ALUMNI, DONOR INFO REVISED
If you're in an office that frequently gets or makes requests for alumni or donor information, you might want to brush up on a recently revised university policy that provides guidelines on the release of information. Here are a few examples:
Alumni seeking the address or phone number of a college friend must submit a written request and a stamped envelope (with no address) to the ISU Foundation Records office. The request will be mailed to the individual for whom information has been sought, and he or she will decide whether to make the contact.
University officials seeking information about alumni and donors may receive that information if it is for such purposes as newsletters, surveys, holiday cards, directories, reunions, receptions and honors. Information also may be released for solicitation, but such activities must be carried out through the Iowa State Foundation. To obtain a copy of the ISU Foundation policy on release of alumni and donor information, contact the Foundation Records office at 4-6471.
"Interferon Signaling," a growth factor and signal transduction conference, will be held June 13-16 at Scheman. Registration is $100 (graduate students $80). For more information, contact the Growth Factor Conferences, Symposium Office, 3208 Molecular Biology; 4-7978; fax 4-2244.JISCHKE ON WOI
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Wednesday, July 3, Talk of Iowa radio show. The show airs at 10 a.m. on WOI-AM (640 on the dial).
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Revised 6/13/96