Inside Iowa State
June 14, 1996
Foundation president search opens
by Diana Pounds
The search is under way for a president of the Iowa State University Foundation. The new foundation president will succeed Murray Blackwelder, who will become vice president for external affairs in July. Blackwelder currently is serving as interim VP for external affairs.The foundation president oversees the development program to attract private gift support for Iowa State and manages the ISU Foundation, a private institutionally related foundation. The ISU Foundation led the university's largest-ever capital campaign, which had generated $214.5 million at campaign's end in July 1993.
Jim Hopson, executive director of the Alumni Association, will chair the search committee. The committee will be assisted by an outside executive search consultant. Nominations and applications for the position should be sent to Hopson, Alumni Suite, Memorial Union.
Search committee members will begin screening applications Aug. 1, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
The search committee includes community and business leaders C. Robert Brenton, Des Moines; John Dasher, Ames; Barbara Eddy, Des Moines; Erben A. Hunziker, Ames; Daniel Krieger, Ames; Scott Olson, Cedar Rapids; and Steven Zumbach, Des Moines.
ISU faculty and staff on the committee include: Sarah Buck, ISU Foundation; Beverly Crabtree, College of Family and Consumer Sciences; Vern Henricks, ISU Foundation; Terry King, Chemical Engineering; John Kozak, Provost's Office; James Melsa, College of Engineering; Rabindra Mukerjea, President's Office; Prem Paul, Veterinary Medical Research Institute; Rita Riis, ISU Foundation, Gene Smith, Athletics; and Joan Thompson, Business and Finance.
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Revised 6/13/96