Inside Iowa State
May 24, 1996
Search for new registrar under way
by Anne Dolan
A search has opened for a new registrar. John Sjoblom, university registrar since November 1975, announced he is retiring June 30. Sjoblom has been at Iowa State for 32 years.Associate provost Ed Lewis is chair of the 15-member search committee.
The registrar reports to the vice president for student affairs and oversees services that include scheduling courses, verifying enrollment and graduation, and maintaining student data.
Nominations and applications should be sent to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, 311 Beardshear. Applications should include a letter, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five references.
Search committee members will begin screening applications June 24, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The goal is to have a new registrar on board when classes begin Aug. 26.
Associate registrar Herman Richtsmeier will serve as interim registrar beginning July 1.
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Revised 5/23/96