Inside Iowa State
May 24, 1996
P&S Council: New slate of officers elected; bylaws changed
by Anne Dolan
A new slate of officers was elected to one-year terms during the Professional and Scientific Council's May 2 meeting. President Jim Meek, project manager in Cooperative Extension; vice president Ralph Knox (incumbent), associate scientist in the Microelectronics Research Center; and secretary Ron Skrdla, ag specialist in agronomy; all ran unopposed. Jan Flick, benefits specialist, and Darlene Gluck, manager of facilities, engineering and safety for the Institute for Physical Research and Technology, were elected to at-large positions on the P&S Executive Committee. They officially begin their terms at the council's June meeting.Other business
The council approved bylaw changes that shift several duties from the president to the vice president to more equally distribute leadership duties of the council. Another bylaw change postpones action on any item discussed by the council until the next regular meeting, giving council members time to discuss the matter with constituents before taking action. This rule can be suspended with a two-thirds vote.
Dorothy Sally, P&S classification manager, said she has recommended raising the minimum salary level 2.3 percent across all P&S pay levels for FY97, but maintaining the current maximum salary levels. Sally said few employees are hired at the minimum salary. She said the proposal responds to a 1993 consultant's recommendation to narrow the pay ranges in the matrix. The increase also is close to that of merit employees, all of whom will receive a 2.5 percent increase in July.
Johnny Pickett, interim director of the Human Resource Services Office, discussed cost hikes and other employee health care benefits issues that have necessitated changes in the options for ISU employees. She said the office's goal is to have a new "menu" of benefit options in place by Jan. 1. Recruitment and retention project updates at next meeting
The next meeting of the P&S Council will begin at noon Thursday, June 6, in the Memorial Union Oak Room. From 11 to 11:45 a.m., several recipients of funds this year for student recruitment and retention projects will summarize their efforts and any early results they have observed. President Martin Jischke will attend this session.
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