Inside Iowa State
May 24, 1996
12-Plus program recognizes grads
by Anne Dolan
Thirty-one "graduates" of the 12-Plus Supervisory Program were recognized this week during a ceremony in the Mahlstede building at the Reiman Gardens. The program is sponsored by the Training and Development Office for supervisors of merit or professional and scientific employees. The graduates have completed at least 12 of 17 half-day workshops covering issues such as communicating well, problem solving, customer service issues, diversity in the workplace and the intent and considerations of the Americans With Disabilities Act. About half of the workshops are led by professionals from off- campus and half are led by ISU employees.This year marked the third year of the 12-Plus program, which begins in October and concludes in May. Participants can take up to two years to complete the program. Two different workshops are offered the first Monday and Tuesday of each month; participants decide each month whether to attend. Currently, about 60 employees are enrolled in the program. The cost is $250.
For more information, or to register for the 12-Plus Supervisory Program beginning in October, contact the Training and Development Office, 4-8914.
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Revised 5/23/96