Inside Iowa State
May 24, 1996
FCS launches gambling study
by Michelle Johnson
The College of Family and Consumer Sciences has launched the first comprehensive study ever conducted on the impact of Iowa's gambling industry on families and communities. The study will include a statewide poll of 600 randomly selected Iowans, as well as faculty research on gambling issues related to children and families, the elderly, college students, family financial management, small businesses and tourism."In the past several years, gambling has been a rapidly expanding industry in Iowa," said Beverly Crabtree, dean of the college. "Much has been said about the economic and criminal impact of the industry, but surprisingly little research has been done on the human impact. This study is an effort to collect data, not to take sides on the issue."
The FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Poll is being conducted by Glenn Roberts, the longtime head of The Iowa Poll at the Des Moines Register. Cost of the study is estimated between $12,000 and $15,000. The majority of the cost will be funded through private alumni donations, Crabtree said. Some ongoing research will be funded by the state.
Results of the poll and the faculty research will be shared at the Family and Consumer Sciences Conference on Gambling and the Family, a day-long event to be held Thursday, Oct. 31, at the Scheman Building. The conference will feature panels with representatives from agencies and organizations that have a stake in gambling issues.
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