Inside Iowa State
May 24, 1996
Jischke discusses Catt Hall, retention, federal funds during annual Spring Awards Convocation
Following are some excerpts from President Martin Jischke's speech at the annual Spring Awards Convocation May 9. The entire speech is available on the President's Office page on the World Wide Web.
On the controversy over the naming of Carrie Chapman Catt Hall
"The discussion and debate that has ensued over the work of Catt and other suffrage leaders has been both healthy and educational for all of us. We, as a university community -- and those beyond ISU -- now have a much better understanding of both the women's suffrage movement and its impact on other groups in our society, especially African Americans. I sincerely hope we can work toward a resolution of this controversy that will give people on all sides of it a sense of accomplishment, and all of us a better understanding of each other's positions and views."
On support from the Legislature and the state
"This year the governor and Legislature approved new funding for several new programs at Iowa State. That's something you don't see happening in many states. I believe it's a clear indication of the support the people of Iowa have for their land-grant university, and the importance they see it having in their future."
On efforts to improve enrollment and retention
"We believe we will have the most significant impact -- and success -- in recruitment and retention by involving everyone in the university in the recruitment and retention effort -- every faculty and staff member, on campus and in our Extension offices and outreach sites throughout Iowa; and every alumnus, friend and partner of Iowa State. Each of us plays an important role in both attracting students to Iowa State, and helping them stay at Iowa State -- to be successful in achieving their academic goals."
On shrinking federal funds to higher education
"The good news is that we no longer need to rely as much on earmarking. The earmarked funds have, in large measure, done what they were intended to do. They jump-started a number of research and technology transfer initiatives -- many of which are now growing their own. Examples include the Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, Utilization Center for Agricultural Products, and the Molecular Biology program, which was started with state funds. Iowa State now finds itself in a much more effective position to attract private funds and to compete for federal research dollars, and the even better news is that we are becoming much more innovative and entrepreneurial in our approach to competing for these funds."
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Revised 5/23/96