Inside Iowa State
May 24, 1996Announcements
Volunteers are needed at the Reiman Gardens. Currently, 35,000 bedding plants need to be transplanted. Throughout the summer, volunteers will be needed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to weed, hoe and deadhead roses, geraniums and other plants. A special parking area has been reserved for volunteers just north of the gardens. For more information or to volunteer, contact Vaughn Speer, volunteer chairman for the gardens, 232-5287.LECTURES OFFICE MOVES
The ISU Lectures Program office has moved to 69 Physics due to remodeling of the Physics Building. The Lectures Program telephone number remains 4-9934.STORY TIME
"Story Time in the Garden," featuring the tales of Peter Rabbit and other children's stories, will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 9, in the Reiman Gardens. There is no charge. For more information, call 4-2710.FCS ANNUAL MEETING
The College of Family and Consumer Sciences will hold its annual alumni association meeting from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, June 7, in MacKay auditorium. The program, "A Past with Tradition É A Future with Vision," will center around the college's 125th anniversary year.A panel of retired faculty and alumni will portray past deans of the college and Dean Beverly Crabtree will discuss the future direction of the college. In addition, workshops will be held in the recently remodeled textiles and clothing apparel merchandising, design and production labs, the Center for Designing Foods and the college's computer laboratory.
Undergraduate and graduate scholarship recipients will be recognized and alumni awards will be presented.
Registration is $14. Contact Dynette Mosher, 4-2820.
The ISU Summer Chorus will rehearse from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays beginning June 10. Interested singers should call 4-0395. No audition is required. The final concert will be Sunday, July 21.CHEM STORES TAKES INVENTORY
Chemistry Stores will be closed for inventory from Monday, June 17, through Wednesday, June 19. Liquid nitrogen and dry ice will be available at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. each day. Gas cylinders will be delivered only on June 18. Year-end cut-off for 1995-96 funds will be 4 p.m. Thursday, June 27.OFFICES RELOCATED
Following are some recent moves in the Human Resource Services office.Carla Espinoza, assistant vice president for Human Resource Services, will be in 318 Beardshear, 4-9350.
Missy Murphy remains in 318 Beardshear. Dorothy Sally, manager of P&S classification and compensation, and Kristi Busch relocated to 318 Beardshear. Their phone numbers remain the same. The fax number for staff in 318 Beardshear is 4- 7818. This fax number also should be used for the Training and Development Office.
The Merit Employment Office (4-2936) relocated to 16 Beardshear. The phone numbers for the office staff (Vicki Brubaker, Marlene Burkheimer, Trudy Clawson, Edna Clinton and Cindy Van Loon) remain the same. Payroll sign-up and employee records staff (Sari Olson and Susan Radke) remain in 16 Beardshear, 4-6456. The fax number for both areas is 4-4707. This fax number also should be used for the Benefits Office.
PrISUm 2, the Iowa State solar car that raced in Sunrayce93, has become part of an exhibit at the Science Center of Iowa."We think this is a great way to get the car out into the public so people from Des Moines and all over Iowa can see it," said Jeff Etringer, electrical design director of Team PrISUm.
"I'm enthused about having the solar car," said Dan Jepsen of the center's exhibits department. "It will fit well into our Science Arcade Show."
The Science Arcade Show, which includes more than 40 scientific exhibits, is now open.
PrISUm 2 took 10th place in Sunrayce93, a solar car race from Dallas to Minneapolis.
There will be a Memorial Day service at the ISU Cemetery on Monday, May 27. The service begins at 9 a.m. Those attending are asked to bring their own lawn chairs. Because of road repairs, all traffic should approach from the east on Pammel Drive and park in the Armory parking lot or the lot in back of the Molecular Biology Building. In case of rain, the service will be held in 1414 Molecular Biology, two blocks east of the cemetery.
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the WOI-AM show, Talk of Iowa, Wednesday, June 5. The show begins at 10 a.m.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0524/announce.html
Revised 5/23/96