Inside Iowa State
May 3, 1996
Majority of Brunnier dolls will be sold
by Steve Sullivan
University Museums will sell a majority of the Brunnier Art Museum's doll collection. The decision was approved in April by the group's advisory committee.The entire collection consists of nearly 500 dolls, about 300 to 350 of which will be sold at a public sale, probably by an agency specializing in doll collections. Dolls will be sold based on their market value at the time of the sale.
"Deaccessioning art is a serious issue for a museum," said Lynette Pohlman, University Museums director. "The de- accessioning of the doll collection has been reviewed for two years, with input from campus, the general public, independent curators and staff."
Proceeds from the sale will pay for the conservation of a core collection of dolls the University Museums will retain, and for future museum acquisitions. The core collection of 100 to 125 dolls will represent the best and breadth of the collection given to the university by Ann Brunnier. It will be selected by museum curators, based on recommendations from international experts who have studied the collection.
A small collection of ethnic dolls will be given to the ISU International Resource Center.
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Revised 5/2/96