Inside Iowa State
May 3, 1996
Children's choir auditions
Auditions for the Ames Children's Choirs 1996-97 season will be held May 18-22. There are choirs for boys and girls ages 8 to 15 and girls ages 16 to 18. Children who audition should sing a folk or patriotic song. For information or to set an audition time, contact conductor Sylvia Munsen, music, 4- 8017.The Ames Children's Choir will present its annual spring concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 5, in the Recital Hall, Music Building. The concert is free.
Associates sought
The Program for Women in Science and Engineering (PWSE) is seeking associates. Faculty and staff in the social sciences and humanities with a research or teaching interest in issues related to science and technology are invited to join. Activities include monthly brown-bag seminars, a series of white papers on current research and an e-mail information exchange. If you're interested, send your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and areas of interest to Bonnie Glatz, 210 Lab of Mechanics, or e-mail: bglatz@isuadp2.adp.iastate.edu.Richardson Court parkers
The Summer Special Olympics will be held on campus Thursday, May 23, through Saturday, May 25. Staff who park on the Richardson Court loop, in general staff or reserved spots, are asked to use other central campus lots or the Iowa State Center lot those days. Traffic barricades on Wallace Road near Maple-Willow-Larch and the physical plant also will be used to allow only authorized vehicles through. Lots 55 and 81 adjacent to the Child Development Lab are not affected.12-month pay plan
Tenured, tenure-track and adjunct faculty on nine-month appointments who wish to enroll in the 12-month pay plan for the 1996-97 fiscal year, or those who wish to change back to the original B-base plan, should contact the Payroll Office, 307 Beardshear, by July 8. New faculty aren't eligible for this option until July following the academic year in which they were hired. This plan also is available to nine- and 10- month P&S staff.ISU benefits and employment tax deductions are made from the 12 payments. Salary for summer teaching and research is added to the regular pay during the months of the summer appointment. For more information or an application form, contact the Payroll Office, 4-6556.
Merit tuition grants
To receive reimbursement for spring semester classes, Merit employees should send two photocopies of grade slips (and proof of payment for off-campus classes) to the Office of Human Resource Services, 16 Beardshear, by 5 p.m. Thursday, June 13.P&S tuition grants
To receive reimbursement for spring semester classes, P&S employees should send two photocopies of grade slips (and proof of payment for off-campus classes) to the Office of Human Resource Services, 16 Beardshear, by 5 p.m. Monday, June 10.Breakfast with Jischke
The next Breakfast with the President begins at 7:30 a.m. Friday, May 24, in 1102 Molecular Biology. Coffee, tea and pastries are provided. To make a reservation, call 4-2042.Talk of Iowa
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Wednesday, May 8, Talk of Iowa.Talk of Iowa airs from 9 to 10 a.m. on WOI-AM Radio, at 640 on the dial.
Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
Applications for Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, near Milford, will be accepted through mid-May. Terms run June 3-21, June 24- July 19 and July 22-Aug. 9. Courses meet 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tuition is charged on a per- credit basis. University credit is available for the courses through Iowa's universities.The laboratory also will offer four week-long natural history workshops on amphibians and reptiles, mushrooms and other fungi, nature photography, and Iowa's trees and forests. Each is worth one university credit.
For more information, contact the laboratory's administrative office, 131 Bessey; phone 4-2488; fax 4-9777; e-mail: Lakeside@iastate.edu.
Iowa SunRun
ISU's Team PrISUm will fire up the Cynergy solar car for a run across Iowa May 13-21. The trip is a fund-raiser so the team can compete in SunRayce '97.A tentative schedule of stops along the Iowa SunRun is: May 13, Nevada and Clive; May 14, Muscatine and Davenport; May 15, Cedar Rapids; May 16, Burlington and Waterloo; May 17, Manly and Mason City; May 18, Sioux City; May 19 and 20, Council Bluffs and Omaha; May 21, Indianola and Ames.
For more information, call 4-0899.
Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0503/announce.html
Revised 5/2/96