Inside Iowa State
May 3, 1996
Hold it! (Old ID cards needed for library services until June 7)
Don't toss your old university identification card when you get your new ISUCard. You will need to continue using the old card for Iowa State library services through June 6. After that, Parks Library and its branches will require the ISUCard.
The ISUCard will be used for library services such as book checkouts, inter-library loans, media resource and equip-ment useage, and access to index and abstract databases on the SCHOLAR system. Currently, you must supply your Social Security number but beginning June 7, you will be asked to supply the 11-digit "personal ID" number on your ISUCard.
You won't need the ISUCard at the library's copy machines. For now, the library will continue using the "debit card" system it has used since 1992.
The library also will continue to issue "visitor" cards to ISU alumni, retirees and their spouses; spouses and dependents of current ISU students, faculty and staff; students and faculty from the other two state universities; and central Iowa residents with research needs that can't be met through local libraries.
Current ISU faculty, staff and students are not eligible for visitor cards. Employees of some federally or privately funded centers, labs and institutes on campus or affiliated with ISU are eligible for the ISU-Card and no longer may receive visitor cards.
For more information about using the ISUCard at the library, contact the circulation desk at Parks Library, 4-3961.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0503/LibCard.html< br>Revised 5/2/96