Inside Iowa State
May 3, 1996
Senate OKs changes to royalty policy
The Faculty Senate approved two changes in the royalties policy during the April 30 meeting.
The policy calls for faculty to donate royalties to ISU when they use their own texts or materials in a course -- except when they are not involved in selecting course materials and when they request exceptions from their deans and DEOs.
One change provides some direction on when to grant an exception and adds the provost to the list of those who must approve the exception. The second change calls for a faculty member and the university to mutually decide who should receive the royalties. For example, a faculty member could designate the Red Cross or a specific unit within the university.
The senate also approved a change in the name of the general graduate studies major for M.S. and M.A. degrees to Inter- disciplinary Graduate Studies and accepted a report on "Improving the ISU Educational Experience." The report was a senate activity in response to falling enrollment and retention concerns. The report contains 62 recommendations, ranging from rewarding faculty non-research efforts to streamlining the red tape students face.
The last senate meeting of the year will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, in 2532 Veterinary Medicine.
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Revised 5/2/96