Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1996
Tennis courts closed
Eight tennis courts on the east side of campus were closed last month due to safety concerns. The courts, south of the Physical Education Building, had deteriorated and university officials were concerned for players' safety.
Shifting soil during freezing and thawing and inadequate material may have resulted in the deep cracks in the court surface.
Classes scheduled to use the courts this spring have been relocated to 12 courts on the north side of Beyer Hall. Recreational tennis players also are asked to use the Beyer courts. Open recreation hours for the courts are posted near the court entrances.
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
Copyright © 1996, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0418/tennis.htmlRevised 4/18/96