Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1996
Forums set for residence system finalists
Five finalists for the position of director of residence will visit campus in the coming weeks. Each visit will include an open forum, during which members of the university community may ask questions of the candidate.
Winston Baker, director of residence services at Marshall University, Huntington, W. Va., recently withdrew as a finalist for the position. Randy Alexander, director of university housing at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, has been added to the list of candidates who will visit ISU.
Chuck Frederiksen, who has served as residence director since 1967, will retire at the end of June.
Following is the schedule of open forums. All forums are from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Memorial Union.
James Burkhalter, Texas Tech University, Monday, April 22, Pioneer Room
Alice Gustafson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Monday, April 29, Room 244
Robert Hopkins, University of Pittsburgh, Thursday, May 2, Pioneer Room
John Schuh, Wichita State University, Monday, May 6, Pioneer Room
Randy Alexander, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Thursday, May 9, Pioneer Room
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Revised 4/18/96