Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1996
Bigger parking fees ahead
by Anne Dolan
Increased fees for parking permits next year are intended to help accumulate the necessary funding for anticipated improvements to Iowa State's parking system. The new fees were approved by the State Board of Regents April 15.The rate increases, developed by the Transportation Advisory Council, are expected to generate an estimated $80,000 in additional revenues during the 1996-97 fiscal year.
The new rates are:
Permit 1996-97 (current)The large increase in 24-hour reserved permits is intended to reduce applications for 24-hour spaces on central campus.General staff $50 $45
Reserved $250 $240
24-hour reserved $500 $330
(student) $35 $30Departmental $200 $63
Vendor $75 $63
Motorcycle $15 $12
The increase in departmental permits also is intended to reduce parked cars on central campus and help curb abuse of the permits. In the past, some employees have purchased both general staff and departmental permits, giving them access to better space than those who paid more for reserved permits. Each department will continue to get one free departmental permit.
Current fees are not sufficient to help pay for either a parking ramp or improved shuttle service from the Iowa State Center lots, two recommendations in the parking study completed this winter by Rich & Associates.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0418/parking.html< br>Revised 4/18/96