Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1996
Benefits Office: Changes ahead for benefits program
by Johnny Pickett, Business Office
The health care industry is undergoing rapid change -- both nationally and locally. The cost and viability of traditional health insurance programs is under increasing pressure. At the request of the Iowa Board of Regents, Iowa State is exploring how to respond to this changing environment.The Department of Human Resource Services, in conjunction with the Annuities and Insurance Committee, is exploring a new system that will offer an expanded "cafeteria" style benefits program for faculty and staff benefits plans. Under the program, faculty and staff will select from a variety of benefit options such as additional health care programs, additional levels of insurance coverage or contributions to spending accounts for child care. A consultant will be hired soon to help develop the program that is expected to be implemented by Jan. 1, l997.
In the coming weeks, more detailed information will be provided to employees. The Faculty Senate, P&S Council and Supervisory and Confidential Council will be consulted about the options under consideration. Information about ongoing developments also will be available on the World Wide Web through the Iowa State homepage.
The changes under consideration will not affect collective bargaining agreements, which govern benefits programs available to contract-covered employees.
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Revised 4/18/96