Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1996
Interactive art at Design
by Steve Sullivan
Ingrid Lilligren wants you to totally experience her sculpture -- look at it, touch it, take it apart, keep a piece of it, explore it, smell it, have your picture taken with it and, finally, record your reactions to it.Lilligren's sculpture, called "Dis/covery: A Work of Art," will be installed in the College of Design atrium, Monday through Friday, April 22-26. The "unveiling" -- when people will have the opportunity to remove its outer shell and discover the mysteries of its centerpiece -- will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 24.
Lilligren's work is a ceramic sculpture created, in part, with clay deposits left along a creek near the Des Moines River by the floods of 1993. Thousands of embossed ceramic disks will create a mantle around the centerpiece.
Beginning April 24, people can remove and, if they want, keep the disks.
The sculpture's centerpiece consists of three ceramic works with six small clay tubes that Lilligren will fill with natural, aromatic materials.
"When the person experiencing the piece leans in to investigate, the scent will become noticeable," said Lilligren, assistant professsor of art and design. "I am trying to stimulate multiple experiences at once -- touch, sight, smell -- combined with movement."
A computerized camera will photograph people as they experience Lilligren's piece. Visitors also can write their reactions to the piece and get a computer printout of their photos and comments.
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R evised 4/18/96