Inside Iowa State
April 18, 1996
Orientation program for TAs planned
The Center for Teaching Excellence and the Graduate College will sponsor a new orientation program for graduate teaching assistants Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 21-22. "The College Teaching Seminar" includes activities for international TAs and both new and experienced TAs.
A major focus of the program will be "survival strategies for the first day and the first week." Concurrent sessions will cover such topics as syllabus construction, preparing and evaluating tests, using technology in the classroom and time management and study skills for graduate students. A "requisite" skills session will cover such topics as asking and answering questions, leading discussions and preparing effective recitations.
Sessions on these and other topics will be offered throughout the year as well, to provide continuing support for teaching assistants.
Departments and teaching assistants will receive detailed information in the mail early in the summer. Departments are encouraged to alert returning and newly hired teaching assistants of this opportunity to learn more about their roles.
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R evised 4/18/96