Inside Iowa State
April 5, 1996
Faculty and staff may nominate outstanding adult students for Alpha Lambda Sigma, a national honor society for adult students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, leadership, service and character. Applications, available at the Office of Adult Learner and Commuter Student Programs, 59 Memorial Union, are due April 12.MILLER ANNOUNCEMENT DELAYED
The number of proposals submitted in the Miller Faculty Fellowships program was so overwhelming that the review cycle has been extended by one week. The Provost's Office now plans to announce fellowship awards on Monday, April 22.RECEPTION FOR MOON
Faculty and staff are invited to a program announcing Harley W. Moon's appointment as the Frank K. Ramsey Chair in Veterinary Medicine at 4 p.m. Friday, April 19, in Benton Auditorium, Scheman. A reception will follow. The Ramsey Chair was created with $1 million in private gifts and recognizes the long-time head of the veterinary pathology department.CD LAB
The Child Development Laboratory is accepting applications for its 1996 summer pre-school and school-age programs and 1996-97 pre-school, kindergarten and after-school programs for school-age children. The program is nationally accredited. For applications or information, call 4-8878.LUNCH WITH THE PRESIDENT
The next lunch with President Martin Jischke will begin at noon Tuesday, April 16, in the Memorial Union Regency Room. Coffee and tea are provided; bring your own lunch or purchase one in the Union. For reservations, call 4-2042.
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Revised 4/4/96