Inside Iowa State
April 5, 1996
Response to Pappas report is on line
The university's preliminary response to the "Pappas report" has been submitted to the State Board of Regents Office. As he developed this response, President Martin Jischke solicited comments from university administrators; deans; directors; DEOs; leaders of the Faculty Senate, P&S Council, Supervisory and Confidential Council, Government of the Student Body and Graduate Student Senate; and the leadership of the boards of directors for the Alumni Association and the ISU Foundation.
"I received many insightful comments from members of the university community, including those who attended the open forum and those who personally wrote or spoke to me about this issue," Jischke said. "It was extremely useful in the development of our preliminary response."
The response is being mailed to various administrative offices and also is available on Iowa State's World Wide Web site (see "Plans and Reports").
During the first half of April, the institutional heads will meet with staff in the regents board office to develop proposals for addressing the Pappas Group recommendations.
In mid-April, all of the proposed recommendations will be reviewed by the Regents' Organizational Audit Oversight Committee, and recommended actions will be sent to the members of the Board of Regents on May 1.
At the May board meeting, the recommendations will be formally presented to the regents board for approval.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1996/0405/Pappas.htmlRevised 4/4/96