Inside Iowa State
March 22, 1996P&S Council: Salary discussion recommended
by Anne Dolan
Supervisors of Professional and Scientific employees would be required to notify their staff of salary adjustments and the reasons for them, under a recommendation approved March 7 by the P&S Council. The council proposes both employee and supervisor be required to sign a form indicating that the salary discussion took place, as they do now verifying a performance evaluation. The recommendation was forwarded to the Provost's Office for review.Because performance evaluations typically occur between early January and the end of June, and salary increases are not confirmed until July, some P&S employees (40 percent, according to an August 1995 survey) don't talk with their supervisors about their salary adjustment specifically. The assumption is that the salary adjustment generally reflects discussion during the performance evaluation.
Council members unanimously approved the recommendation with the intent of encouraging more communication among supervisors and employees, and ultimately, a stronger, more supportive work environment.
The council also approved changes to the P&S Handbook regarding dismissal caused by the premature termination of a contract or grant that funds an employee's position. Many contracting agencies use a 30-day dismissal policy and won't honor the university's 90-calendar-day policy. The new language allows a dismissal period of less than 90 days only with the provost's approval. It also requires written notification to the employee when a shorter period will be used. This recommendation also goes on to the Provost's Office for review.
In other business:
Ballots in the election for representatives to the council were mailed last week and are due by 5 p.m. today (March 22) to Brenda Thorbs-Weber, 4 Hamilton.
The council's World Wide Web page was put on line earlier this month. It can be accessed at this address: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ps_info. The next meeting of the P&S Council begins at 1 p.m. Thursday, April 4, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. A noon open forum precedes the meeting.
Inside Iowa State
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Revised 3/22/96
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