Inside Iowa State
March 22, 1996University ready for NCA visit
by Linda Charles
After months of preparation, Iowa State is ready for a visit by the North Central Association accreditation team, reports assistant provost Faye Whitaker, who has coordinated preparation for the March 31-April 3 site visit.__________________________________
Open forums
Faculty, staff and students will have the opportunity to meet with team members during two simultaneous open forums from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, April 1, in the Memorial Union. Faculty and staff will meet in the Campanile Room while the student forum will be in the Oak Room.
__________________________________All higher education institutions affiliated with a regional accrediting agency undergo the accreditation process every 10 years. To prepare, institutions must complete a self-study and provide evidence of institutional quality and integrity. Much of Iowa State's self-study has been drawn from the recent strategic planning process that involved virtually all units on campus.
"Most of the team members have been identified and provided with the university's self-study; faculty, staff and student handbooks; the catalog; and the university strategic plan," Whitaker said.
The team will be led by Jerry B. Poe, finance professor at Arizona State University and an experienced NCA evaluator. Other team members will include: Trudy W. Banta, vice chancellor for planning and institutional improvement, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Cheryl A. Casper, associate provost for academic and student affairs, Kent State University, Ohio; Russell K. Dean, assistant vice president for curriculum and instruction, West Virginia University, Morgantown.
Also, Loren D. Koller, veterinary medicine professor, Oregon State University, Corvallis; Martin A. Massengale, director of the Center for Grasslands Studies and president emeritus, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Peter J. Nicholls, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan; James P. Ronda, history professor, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Manfred Ruddat, associate professor of ecology and evolution and associate dean of students, University of Chicago; Martin Runkle, university library director, University of Chicago, Illinois; Barbara C. Steidle, assistant provost for undergraduate education and academic services, Michigan State University, East Lansing; Enrique Solis, associate professor of education management and development, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
Copies of the NCA self-study are available in the reserve room at the library, and at the Faculty Senate and P&S office, 103 Lab of Mechanics.
Inside Iowa State
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