Inside Iowa State
March 22, 1996Awards
Sweepstakes winner (CASE)
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) has recognized Iowa State University as a Sweepstakes winner in its District 6 Recognition Program.
This is the seventh consecutive year Iowa State has won a Sweepstakes Award, which recognizes schools consistently earning high scores in numerous communications competitions. Iowa State won 36 awards, ranging from first to third place, in this year's competition.
The awards recognize achievement in the areas of publications, special events, public relations campaigns, design concepts, writing, photography, and audio and visual productions. Projects were completed by member schools during the 1995 fiscal year.
Following are Iowa State's award-winning stories, products and creators. Gold denotes first place, silver second place and bronze third place.
Writing (profiles): "Practice What You Preach" (VISIONS), Dan Davenport
Writing (science/technology/research): "A Year in the Life of IPRT 1993-94," Anita Rollins
Visual design (magazines): VISIONS, Deb Gibson
Visual design (series or multiple-piece projects): Legacy program, Mary Jo Banwart
Photography: Unveiling (VISIONS), Jim Heemstra
Electronic media: Good Work, Carole Custer
Visual design: Athletic identity, Carole Custer
Marketing: ISU basketball billboards, athletic marketing department: Scott Barnes, Jeff Shoultz, Mary Ellen Zeigler
Direct mail appeal: Hixson Opportunity Award, Phyllis Peters
Special publications: College of Engineering promotional brochure, Janet Rohler Silver
Student recruitment: Plant health recruitment, Brian Meyer
Periodicals (internal audience): Inside Iowa State, Diana Pounds, Linda Charles, Anne Dolan
Writing (news stories): "Accents in the Classroom," Steve Sullivan
Writing (news stories): "Activist Tries New Tack," Steve Sullivan
Visual design: Strategic plan brochure, Carole Custer
Visual design: CoHort membership brochure, Carole Custer
Visual design: Summer session, Carole Custer
Electronic media: Team Work, Carole Custer
Special constituency giving: ISU Lawyers Association, Bob Watson, Monica Porter
Capital campaign: President's Scholarship, Sheila Strike
Special publications/brochure copywriting: President's Scholarship Campaign brochure, Phyllis Peters
Special publications/visual design: President's Scholarship, Phyllis Peters
Photography: College of Engineering promotional report, Mike Haynes
Alumni Relations event: Legacy, Mary Jo Banwart Bronze
Periodicals (external audience): The Iowa Stater, Diana Pounds, Linda Charles, Anne Dolan
Writing (science/technology/research): "Hot Tip, Cool Fiber Discovery," Skip Derra
Writing (news stories): "View from Both Sides of the Desk," Anne Dolan
Special constituency giving: Blue Ribbon Weekend, Russ Wilson
Institutional relations publications: Events calendar, Deb Gibson
Magazines: VISIONS, Deb Gibson
Calendars: Events calendar, Deb Gibson
Feature stories: "Church and State University," Dan Davenport
Photography (news or feature): Masked Marvel, Jim Heemstra
Photography (news or feature): Sight Unseen, Jim Heemstra
Electronic print advertising: The Bottom Line, Sarah Buck
Print advertising: A World of Opportunities, Phyllis Peters Iowa Film Awards
Three video productions involving Iowa State units were award winners in the 1996 Movies To Go/Iowa Film Awards.
One Step From Death, an 11-minute safety training video about the highway construction zone, was produced by the Media Resources Center for the Iowa Department of Transportation and received first place in the corporate training (internal) category. It was written and directed by Ed Rearick, media production specialist, and features dramatic re-creations of accidents that actually happened in highway construction zones. It will be shown to new construction zone workers at the DOT.
The Points of Your Compass, an orientation video for new employees at Iowa State, was produced for the Office of Training and Development by CMF&Z, Des Moines. The video received first place in the corporate employee news/ orientation category. In addition to showing the campus layout, the video addresses issues such as the Americans With Disabilities Act and sexual harassment in the workplace.
Choosing to Make A Difference, a student recruiting video for the College of Veterinary Medicine, received a first place award in the corporate marketing division. The video was produced by Metro Video, Cedar Rapids.
Distinguished service
Iver Anderson, associate professor of materials science and engineering, received the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society's 1996 Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the society. Anderson was recognized for his role in developing the materials design and manufacturing division as chairperson and a member of some of the division's technical committees.
Top article
Cynthia Myers, adjunct instructor of English and coordinator of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) placement testing, received the 1996 Fred W. Malkemes Prize from The American Language Institute at New York University. Myers won the award for her article, "Question-based Discourse in Science Labs: Issues for ITAs," which appeared in TESOL's 1994 publication, Discourse and Performance of International Teaching Assistants.
Top poster
A poster created for Iowa State's 1995 Summer Session promotion won an Addy award from the Advertising Professionals of Des Moines. The Addy, awarded in the four- color poster division, went to Mauck + Associates and University Relations Marketing. As a winner, the poster now is entered in a national contest for advertising professionals. The 1995 poster featured a vegetable garden theme that encourages students to "plant" seeds in academic studies.
Inspiring grad teacher
Larry Ebbers, professor of professional studies in education, received the 1996 Robert H. Shaffer Award for Academic Excellence as a Graduate Faculty Member from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. The award honors a faculty member who is very involved in teaching, research and advising in graduate programs and who is a personal inspiration to graduate students.
Career achievement
Max Rothschild, professor of animal science, received the Rockefeller Prentice Award in Animal Breeding and Genetics from the American Society of Animal Science. The award recognizes career achievements in animal breeding and genetics. Rothschild has worked with several animal species, but has focused primarily on pigs.
Volunteer service awards
The Voices of Influence project surrounding the dedication of Carrie Chapman Catt Hall and the Iowa State University Alumni Ambassador program were selected by the State Board of Regents to receive volunteer awards recognizing outstanding service to the state of Iowa. Also receiving an award from Gov. Terry Branstad in May are Don and Ardie Roehr, Pella, for their involvement in the ISU Parents Association.
Inside Iowa State
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Revised 3/21/96
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