Inside Iowa State
March 8, 1996
Town meeting at Iowa State to prepare for U.N. Conference
by Steve Sullivan
"Sharing the Heartland Experience With the World," one in a series of regional town meetings focusing on America's cities and rural areas, will held be at Iowa State Saturday, March 30.
The town meeting, which will begin at 1:45 p.m. in the Scheman Building, is one of 12 planned across the country. It will help U.S. officials formulate positions to present at the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul, Turkey, in June. "Sharing the Heartland" is the only regional town meeting scheduled in a rural area.
"Sharing the Heartland" begins with a series of morning work sessions focusing on housing options, housing choices for older Iowans, information technology and communities, designing sustainable communities, poverty in the heartland, experiences of minorities in the Midwest, and youth and community. Several ISU faculty and extension specialists will be involved in the work sessions.
The keynote speaker is Carol Franklin, landscape architect with Andropogen Associates, a Philadelphia firm considered a leader in sustainable development. She will speak at a noon luncheon in the Scheman Building.
Federal officials with U.S. Housing and Urban Development, the State Department, the Agency for International Development and the United Nations are expected to attend "Sharing the Heartland."
The goal of the Istanbul U.N. conference, also called Habitat II, is to examine ways to make the world's cities, towns and villages healthy, safe, equitable and sustainable. Particular emphasis will be placed on adequate housing for the world's population.
The town meeting portion of "Sharing the Heartland" is free and open to the public. The registration fee for the entire "Sharing the Heartland" conference is $30 and includes breakfast, lunch and refreshments. There is an additional $10 fee for a reception and dinner. Students may attend the work sessions and town meeting for free.
For more information, contact the ISU chapter of the United Nations Association, 4-8094; e-mail, habitat2@iastate.edu. To register, call 4-1400.
Inside Iowa State
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